
Charter Members

The following individuals took a sincere and sufficient interest in the purpose and the mission of the Society and became the original members of SCTE in 1969.

<section class="gutter-x max-w-6xl mx-auto my-20"> <div class="auto overflow-x"> <div class="pb-2 align-middle inline-block min-w-full"> <div class="border border-gray-200 overflow-hidden sm:rounded-md"> <table data-tablesort class="min-w-full"> <thead class="bg-teal-500"> <tr> <th class="px-4 py-3 text-left" scope="col"data-sort-method="none" > <div class="flex items-center"> <span class="font-sans text-sm text-white"> </span> </div> </th> <th class="px-4 py-3 text-left" scope="col"data-sort-method="none" > <div class="flex items-center"> <span class="font-sans text-sm text-white"> </span> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="divide-y-2 divide-gray-200"> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > George Amaroli </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Richard Ashpole </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Carl Barry </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Robert Bilodeau </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Warren Braun </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Joseph Camposeo </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Austin Coryell </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Ronald Cotten </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Dean Cummings </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Jean-Charles Dagenais </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Earl Drake </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > William Elkins </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Harry Fritchie </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Marvin Gill </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > John Gort </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Omer Griesemer </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Ted Hartson </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > A J Henry </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > John Hollenback </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > William Karnes </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Jake Landrum </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Wayne McKinney </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Nicholas Olson </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Eldon Palasek </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Rex Porter </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Earl Quam </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Robert Robbins </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Clarence Ross </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > James Rowan </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Bernard Rowe </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Charles Royer </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Samuel Shearer </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Lewis Suders </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Lloyd Tate </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Herbert Timberlake </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Harry Waller </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > John Warner </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > L Allen Williams </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > John Zimmerman </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </section>