
Circle of Eagles

The following individuals have served the Society and industry through their leadership. They include Hall of Fame members, Charter Members, Fellow Members, Past Presidents and Chairmen of the Board.

<section class="gutter-x max-w-6xl mx-auto my-20"> <div class="auto overflow-x"> <div class="pb-2 align-middle inline-block min-w-full"> <div class="border border-gray-200 overflow-hidden sm:rounded-md"> <table data-tablesort class="min-w-full"> <thead class="bg-teal-500"> <tr> <th class="px-4 py-3 text-left" scope="col"data-sort-method="none" > <div class="flex items-center"> <span class="font-sans text-sm text-white"> Full Name </span> </div> </th> <th class="px-4 py-3 text-left" scope="col"data-sort-method="none" > <div class="flex items-center"> <span class="font-sans text-sm text-white"> Deceased </span> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="divide-y-2 divide-gray-200"> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Thomas Adams </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Gregory D. Allshouse, BDS,BPI </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Ferrell Anderson </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Richard D. Ashpole </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Wendell H Bailey </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > X </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Carl E Barry </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. J. Richard Beard </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Steve V. Bell, Sr. </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > X </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Robert D. Bilodeau </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > X </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Dr. Warren L Braun, PE IOM MOI </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > X </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Joseph O. Camposeo </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. John T. Chapman </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Dr. Walter S. Ciciora </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. John D. Clark </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Terry M. Cordova </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Austin S Coryell </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Ronald Cotten </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Richard G. Covell </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > X </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Dean B Cummings </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Robert V. Dickinson </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > X </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Mark L. Dzuban </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. William D. Elkins </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > X </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Thomas G Elliot </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. James Farmer </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. David M. Fellows </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Robert Foote </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Marvin Gill </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Thomas J. Gorman </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Omer K Griesemer </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Wayne Hall </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Nicholas F. Hamilton-Piercy, PE </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Ted Hartson </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > X </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Keith R. Hayes </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Andrew Healey </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. AJ Henry, Jr. </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > X </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. John J. Hollenback </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Ronald J. Hranac, BCE-E,BCT-E,BDS-E,BT </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. James R. Hughes </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Steven Johnson </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Thomas Jokerst </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Ms. Yvette M. Kanouff </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Bill F Karnes </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > X </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Ms. Sally L. Kinsman* </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. James Kuhns </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. John Kurpinski </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Mike L. LaJoie </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. David J. Large, BCE-E </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Robert Luff </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Dr. Rickey Luke </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Hugh A. McCarley </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Daniel McKay </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Wayne J McKinney </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > X </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Harold R. Null, Sr * </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Nicholas A. Olson </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Eldon W Palasek </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. David M. Pangrac </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Andy Parrott </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Neil P. Phillips </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Dan J. Pike </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Thomas J Polis </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > X </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Rex Porter, Retired </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Earl Quam </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > X </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Leslie W. Read, BCE-E,BDS-E,BPS-E </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Leslie H. Read </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > X </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Steven K. Richey </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. William Riker </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Robert W Robbins </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > X </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Fred J. Rogers </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. James P. Rowan </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Dennis Sartori </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Samuel A Shearer </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Larry J. Stiffelman </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Lewis Suders </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Richard Sullivan </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Archer S. Taylor </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > X </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Herbert Timberlake </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > X </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. John W. Vartanian </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. William Warga </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Anthony G. Werner </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Eugene M. White </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Allen Williams </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. David L Willis </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > X </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Ms. Cathy Wilson </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" >   </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. Wendell D. Woody </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > X </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mr. John D Zimmerman </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > X </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </section>