Senior Members
Distinguished SCTE members elevated to Senior Member status have met the rigorous requirements as outlined in SCTE's Policies & Procedures. SCTE Senior Members exhibit a high level of competence and professionalism in their careers while actively participating in the Society.
Senior Members:
Mr. Alan Babcock
Mr. Alex Best
Mr. Andrew F. Staniak
Mr. Andrew Healey
Mr. Archer S. Taylor*
Mr. Bill F Karnes*
Dr. Bill Wall
Mr. Bob D Griffith*
Mr. Bob Weaver
Mr. Brian James
Mr. Brian Wilson
Mr. Dan J. Pike
Mr. Dan Nofs
Mr. Dane H. Walker
Mr. Daniel McKay
Mr. David Eng
Mr. David J. Large, BCE-E
Mr. David L Willis*
Mr. David Sharkey
Mr. Deane Olmsted
Mr. Dennis Sartori
Mr. Don Shackelford*
Mr. Douglas MacLeod
Mr. Edward D. Horowitz
Mr. Frank C. Baxter
Mr. Frank J Hamilton*
Mr. Gary E. Ervin
Mr. Gaylord Hart
Mr. Graham S. Stubbs
Mr. Greg J. Worthman
Mr. Gregory D. Allshouse, BDS,BPI
Mr. Harold R. Null, Sr*
Mr. Harry W. Perlow
Mr. Herbert Timberlake*
Mr. Hugh A. McCarley
Mr. J Francis Bradley, Jr
Mr. J. Richard Beard
Mr. Jack L Trower*
Mr. James A. Chiddix
Mr. James D. Chartre, Jr., BCSS,BDS,BTS
Mr. James Farmer
Mr. James Kersnowski
Mr. James Kuhns
Mr. James P. Schmeiser
Mr. James R. George, Jim*
Mr. Jason Hibbard
Mr. Jay Staiger
Mr. Jeff Shearer
Mr. Jeffrey Porter
Mr. John Anderson
Mr. John F Scarpa
Mr. John H Levergood*
Mr. John Kurpinski
Mr. John P Weeks, Sr.*
Mr. John P. Weeks, Jr.
Mr. John P. Wong
Mr. John Weeks
Dr. Jonathan Kramer
Mr. Joseph Cutrona
Mr. Joseph Guariglia
Mr. Joseph Jarrell
Mr. Joseph S Gans, Sr*
Mr. Joseph Van Loan
Mr. Juan Ramon Garcia Bish
Mr. Karl W Poirier*
Mr. Keith A. Grunberg, BCE-E,BCSS-E,BCT-E,B
Mr. Keith R. Hayes
Mr. Kenneth S Gunter*
Mr. Leonard Ecker*
Mr. Leslie W. Read, BCE-E,BDS-E,BPS-E
Mr. Mark Adams
Mr. Mark H. Harrigan, BCE-E,BCT-E
Mr. Mark Laubach
Mr. Mark Millet
Mr. Michael Adams
Mr. Mike E. McCracken
Mr. Milan Petrovich
Mr. Neal McLain*
Mr. Nicholas F. Hamilton-Piercy, PE
Mr. Par Peterson
Mr. Paul D. Brooks
Mr. Peter J Otten*
Mr. Philip S. La Pierre
Mr. Powell Bedgood
Mr. Ralph A Haimowitz*
Mr. Randy Love
Mr. Raymond Fournier
Mr. Rex Porter*
Mr. Richard Amell
Mr. Richard G. Covell*
Mr. Richard Kreeger
Dr. Richard Prodan
Mr. Richard L. Shimp
Mr. Rick Hollowell
Dr. Rickey Luke
Mr. Robert Foote
Mr. Robert V. Dickinson*
Mr. Roger Hughes
Mr. Ronald C. Cotten*
Mr. Ronald J. Hranac, BCE-E,BCT-E,BDS-E,BT
Mr. Ronald W. Wolfe*
Mr. Roy O Ehman*
Mr. Russell A. Skinner, Sr.
Mr. Stan VonFeldt
Mr. Steve V. Bell, Sr.*
Mr. Steven C. Allen, BCE-E,BDS-E,BPS-E,BT
Mr. Steven I. Biro*
Mr. Steven Johnson
Mr. Steven K. Richey
Mr. Steven M. Dyche
Mr. Steven R. Harris, CCNP, CCIP, CWNA, IPEP
Mr. Sydney Fluck*
Mr. Ted Chesley
Mr. Ted Hartson*
Mr. Thomas Gorman
Mr. Thomas J Polis*
Mr. Thomas Jokerst
Mr. Thomas Maguire
Mr. Timothy Cooke
Mr. Timothy J. Holzer
Mr. Timothy Templeton
Mr. Victor B. Gates
Dr. Warren L Braun, PE IOM MOI*
Mr. Wayne Hall
Mr. Wayne J McKinney*
Mr. Wendell D. Woody*
Mr. Wendell H Bailey*
Mr. William D. Elkins*
Mr. William E Evans, PE*
Mr. William Riker
Mr. William V Hinton
Ms. Sally Kinsman*
Ms. Yvette M. Kanouff